Benevity Reporting stock reports

The stock reporting library is a collection of pre-built reports created by Benevity. They make up some of the top reporting requests that we see across our clients, no matter employee size or industry.

Go to the homepage, or navigate to View > Repository on the menu, to get quick access to your reports. We’ll outline all of the stock reports below. Your company folder is where you’ll save reports you have edited or created on your own.



Benevity Reporting - User List

  • Know who can access Benevity Reporting with this list of users and their permissions.
  • Updates in real time

Budget Usage

  • Review your budgets and filter by status with this real-time list showing high level metrics.
  • Updates in real time

Budget Usage by Transaction

  • See all the transactions that are drawn down from a particular budget.  Details included are the date the budget was drawn, the user who drew down from the budget and the type of transactions.
  • Updates every 8 hours

CECP Giving In Numbers

  • Built in partnership with CECP (Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose). CECP Giving in Numbers Survey. Based on custom fiscal year.
  • Updates daily

Donation Report (DR) - Detailed Transactions

  • Get detailed information on each transaction in your monthly invoice and filter by DR date.
  • Updates daily. Schedule the report on the second of every month for complete results.

Donation Report (DR) - Summary

  • Break down your monthly invoice by category totals that include foundation, currency and donation source.
  • Updates daily. Schedule the report on the second of every month for complete results.

Donation Amount - Corporate Grants and Donations

  • See the details of your corporate grants and donations for each calendar year.
  • Updates daily

Donations, Volunteer Hours and Missions Metrics- by Custom Field

  • Discover insights into how people are engaging with your program by viewing donation amount, volunteer hours and Missions metrics for active challenges, filtered by a custom field from your demographic data.
  • Updates daily

Donations, Volunteer Hours and Mission Metrics - by Year

  • Compare your users' annual donation amounts and rewards, as well as corporate matches, volunteer hours and Missions metrics for active challenges, for each calendar year.
  • Updates daily

Giving Opportunities

  • Evaluate your giving opportunities using the data from this report that includes donation amounts, number of donors and amount given per donor. There's also a filter to help you see, at a glance, the Peer Match giving opportunities happening across your program.
  • Updates daily

Grant Payments - Commitments

  • With this overview of all grant commitments, you can filter by commitment year, payment status, region and focus.
  • Updates every 8 hours

Grant Payments - by Budget

  • Compare the amounts committed, processed and paid for each grant budget level, and filter by the commitment year, grant region and focus.
  • Updates every 6 hours

Grant Payments - by Region

  • Gain insights into the trends of your program by viewing grant payments by region.
  • Updates every 8 hours

Grant Payments - by Region and Focus

  • Use this report to summarize how much has been paid for each region and focus, and filter by commitment year and payment status.
  • Updates every 8 hours

Grant Requests - by Status

  • See all of your grant requests arranged by status, with filters to narrow by application year, region and focus.
  • Updates every 8 hours

Matching Campaign Usage

  • Arrange high level usage metrics for each of your matching campaigns, and filter by active/inactive status.
  • Updates in real time

Missions - Detailed Users Activity

  • Know who has been participating in your Missions, how many activities they completed and more, with this report that includes filters for active/inactive Challenges.
  • Updates daily

Missions - Impact and Activity Tracking Behavior

  • Detail the impact of your Missions with this report showing savings (in imperial and metric) and activity tracking behavior, with filters for active/inactive Challenges.
  • Updates daily

My Rewards Balance by Identifier

  • Understand how My Rewards are being used with this report showing the number of rewards and dollar amounts, with filters for issue date and identifier.
  • Updates every 8 hours

My Rewards Balance by Identifier and User

  • Understand how My Rewards are being used and by whom with this report showing amounts issued, redeemed and expired for different dates and users.
  • Updates every 8 hours

My Rewards Redemption by Donation Report (DR) Date

  • See the breakdown of My Rewards usage in your monthly invoice by reward identifier.
  • Updates every 8 hours 

My Rewards Redemption by Redemption Date

  • See the details of My Rewards usage, with filters for identifier and redemption date.
  • Updates every 8 hours

New Hires - Accepted Terms of Use

  • Gather information on the number of users added to your program over the past 12 months based on those who have accepted the terms of use.
  • Updates daily

New Hires – Time to Accept Terms of Use

  • Track how long it takes for new employees to log in for the first time - an important leading metric. See how this trends over time based on when employees were hired.
  • Updates daily

Number of Causes - by Country

  • Use this report to see how many causes are in Benevity's Cause platform and could potentially be eligible for your program. Choose options to filter for your program eligibility criteria. Does not include client-specific criteria.
  • Updates in real time

Outstanding Fund Resolution Reversals

  • View reversals associated with the outstanding fund resolution process. As a part of Benevity’s Outstanding Funds Resolution process, these funds are credited so that your company and your people can redirect them to another cause.
  • Updates in real-time

Participation Rate - Annual by Country

  • Find out where participation rates in your program vary based on the country of your users.
  • Updates daily

Participation Rate - Overall Monthly YoY

  • Gain insights into monthly engagement in your program and narrow or expand your view using country and year filters.
  • Updates daily

Participation Rate - Trend over Time

  • Gain insights into engagement in your program and reveal trends using country and timeframe filters.
  • Updates daily

Participation Rate - by Custom Field

  • Gain insights into engagement in your program using segments from your demographic data fields, and filter by various timeframes.
  • Updates daily

Participation Rate - by Custom Field (specific date range)

  • Gain insights into engagement in your program using segments from your demographic data fields, and use specific date range filters to narrow or expand your view.
  • Updates daily

Program Benchmarking Dashboard

  • Gain insights into your program through comparing your program's performance vs similar sized organizations.
  • Updates monthly

Queued Match Requests

  • See all the match requests that are currently queued in your program. Change the filters to see previously declined requests.
  • Updates every 8 hours

Real Time Reporting

  • See real-time donations and upcoming donations with user and cause information.
  • Updates in real time

User List

  • Use this report to get the list of users that haven't yet accepted the terms of use to target email campaigns.
  • Updates daily

User Giving Account - Balance

  • Determine the giving account balances in your program, filtered by user, currency, balance and account type (funds or rewards).
  • Updates every 8 hours

Volunteer Hours - Monthly YoY

  • For each year, and by each country, see how many volunteer hours are recorded in your program every month.
  • Updates daily

Volunteer Opportunities - Available Shifts

  • Maximize your volunteer opportunities by seeing how many shifts are less than 75% full, with filters for time frame, percentage full and country.
  • Updates daily

Volunteer Opportunities - Guest List

  • Maximize your volunteer opportunities by seeing the list of guests who have signed up, with filters for date, name, status and extra descriptions.
  • Updates every 8 hours
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