Seeding Impact on Causes

Report on the impact of seeding on the causes your organization cares about. This report uses the Seeding Identifier to group redeemed rewards, and displays which causes were impacted by said rewards, and by how much. The data for this report is updated in real-time so you can rerun it with recent data when you need. 

The report is located in the Stock Reporting folder. Below, you’ll find more information about fields and filters in this report. 

If you're new to Benevity Reporting, learn more about how to generate a stock report and apply filters

Users with access to Benevity Reporting can generate this report. 

Filtering your report

You can apply the following filters to the Seeding Impact on Causes stock report:

  • Start Date, End Date: the date range for transactions.
  • Currency
    • All amounts are converted to the selected currency.
  • Identifier: the identifier specified for the seeding process. 

Additional columns

You can include an additional user field in the report columns. Select a field from the dropdown to add it as an additional column. 

  • Custom classification 1
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