Adding cover story images

You can highlight important initiatives by creating cover stories. This is a great way of increasing engagement by showcasing news and opportunities that are more relevant without people having to search for it.


Users with the dashboard manager role can create, edit, and manage cover stories, including adding cover story images.

Cover story image requirement guidelines

Benevity’s Employee Engagement solution is responsive, meaning it adapts to the user’s screen. A large, high-resolution image is required for cover stories to accommodate a variety of devices and screen sizes. To successfully upload a cover story image, it needs to meet the following requirements:

  • Minimum 1920 x 1080 pixels
  • 16 x 9 aspect ratio
  • Maximum 15 MB
  • JPEG format - make sure the image file is saved as a jpeg file and has not simply been renamed with .jpeg.

If the image does not meet the requirements, you will see an error message.

Cover story images in the Image Gallery 

You can access our Image Gallery in Content Resources for inspiration. All images are sized for either featured content opportunities (775x435) or cover stories (1920x1080) in Benevity's Employee Engagement solution. Cover story images have the word “cover” at the end of the file name.

Cropping the image 

When the image is uploaded in Step 1 of creating a cover story, it is automatically cropped to display 1920 x 435 pixels, or a respective ratio, on most screens. You can zoom into the image and move it around as desired. We recommend uploading an image that is 1920 x 1080 pixels which has the objects you want to focus on within the 1920 x 435 pixels cropped size. 

Why is the image cropped?

The platform is responsive, which means pages are displayed differently to provide the best experience on a variety of screens, devices, and display settings. If the image isn’t large enough with a high resolution then it could become pixelated or blurry on larger screens, or it may be too small to display properly.

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