Creating an email list

Create email lists to quickly send emails to a group of users. 


To create an email list, users need the bulk email manager role. 

Creating an email list

Go to Manage > People > Email List Management. From here, you can Edit or Delete an existing list.


1. Add an Email List

To create a new list, select the Add an Email List tab. Give the list a unique name, using your program’s regular naming convention or something that indicates a purpose. For example, if you’re using the list for a specific campaign (e.g., Giving Tuesday – 2018) name it with that in mind so it’s easy to identify when you have multiple lists


In the larger box below, enter your list of employee IDs. You can enter them one by one, or by copying and pasting from a pre-existing list or report. IDs should be separated by commas, spaces or by new lines.


Select the Next button and you’ll be asked to confirm the number of users you’ve added. From here you can make changes or save it as is.


Note: If you have duplicates, the site will only count that HRID one time. 


2. Filter by Email List

Once you’ve created your email list, you’ll see a Search & Filter option when you return to the main People tab.

Locate the list you’ve created and select Apply to filter.


Using the grey box at the top of your People list, you’ll select all users identified in your previously created email list.


From here, you can perform bulk actions for the users you selected, like seeding user accounts or sending a bulk email.


More Resources on Bulk Actions:

How to Seed User Accounts
How to use the Bulk Email functionality 


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