Featuring content

The Featured Content carousel is an excellent tool for spotlighting key giving and volunteering opportunities and noteworthy news articles to the most relevant audiences on their dashboard. It serves as a dynamic platform to showcase new content, enhancing discoverability and engagement. 


Tailoring this content is straightforward – you can feature it to specific country experiences or use user profile classifications to segment audiences. The carousel prioritizes freshness; it displays the 12 most recently updated opportunities, ensuring that your audience always sees the latest information and has a personalized experience.


Any user with the ability to approve and publish an opportunity or news article can feature it. 

Any user with the campaign manager user role can access the giving opportunity Bulk Manager.

Any user with the following user roles can access the volunteer opportunity Bulk Manager:

  • volunteer manager
  • volunteer manager (no reporting)
  • volunteer manager junior admin

Featuring a giving or volunteer opportunity 

To feature a giving or volunteer opportunity: 

  1. Create or edit an opportunity. 
  2. Go to the Admin section where you have the following options for featuring: 
    1. Country: the country experience that users are on.
    2. Custom Classifications: target users using user data fields.
  3. Select one or more user segments. Highlight multiple by holding ⌘ on Mac, or ALT on PC.
  4. Submit the opportunity. 

Your opportunity is now featured to the selected user segments and will appear on their dashboard carousel. 

All active content on your site is searchable by all participants. Dynamic featuring allows you to promote content to specific audiences so that they have a personalized experience on their dashboard. 

Alternatively, you can manage featured opportunities from the volunteer or giving Bulk Manager: 

  1. Go to Manage in the top right corner of the page. 
  2. Hover over Giving or Volunteer and select Bulk Manager. 
  3. Select the checkbox next to one or more opportunities. 
  4. Choose an action from Bulk Operations: 
    1. Feature content to display the content in the Featured Content carousel.
    2. Un-feature content to remove it from the Featured Content carousel. 

Other ways to un-feature a giving or volunteer opportunity:

  • Unpublish an opportunity from the Bulk Manager. 
  • Unselecting user segments and saving an opportunity will stop displaying the content to those segments. 

Featuring a news article

If a news article is published, it is automatically featured in the carousel to the user segments specified in the news editor. 

To remove a news article from the carousel, edit and unpublish it. 

Updating the Featured Content carousel

The Featured Content carousel displays the 12 most recently saved news articles and giving or volunteer opportunities. You can move an opportunity or article to the front of the carousel by editing the content and saving it.

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