Generating a public calendar URL

You can generate public calendar URLs to embed the Community Events calendar from Employee Groups on platforms like an internal website, intranet, or Sharepoint page.


Only program administrators can generate public calendar URLs.

Generating public calendar URLs 

To generate and manage public calendar URLs, go to the Manage > Public Calendar URLs section in Admin.

To generate a new public calendar URL:

  1. Select Generate new URL
  2. Choose the Event visibility to control which events are included in the calendar. 
    • Everyone in my company: includes events that are visible to everyone.
    • Share with this group only: includes all events that are shared with groups only.  
    • Share with leaders only: includes all events that are shared only with group leaders. 

  3. Set an optional Expiry date to automatically deactivate the calendar after a specific date. 
  4. Enter a Name for the public calendar URL. The name is only shown on the Manage Public Calendar URLs page. We recommend using a unique name for each Calendar URL that identifies where it will be shared. 
  5. Select Generate to create the calendar URL. 

Once a public calendar URL is generated, select the copy icon so that it can be pasted into another platform for viewing. 

Event visibility

When the public calendar is posted on an intranet site or a platform like Sharepoint, that is accessible to organization employees, they can see all event titles listed, regardless of each event's privacy settings. However, to view event details, employees must log into Employee Groups. Access to the event page is granted only if they have the necessary permissions.

Validating Public Calendar URLs

Before sharing a calendar on another platform, you can validate it to check how events are displayed. First, generate and copy a public calendar URL and then paste the complete URL into a new browser window or tab. The Community Events calendar is displayed including events with the visibility selected when generating the URL. 

Managing Public Calendar URLs 

If you generate a public calendar URL, it is saved and displayed in the Generated URLs section of the Manage public calendar URLs page. 

The Actions dropdown next to a URL allows you to: 

  • Copy URL: copy the URL to the clipboard. 
  • Edit: edit the Event visibility, Expiry date or Name of the URL. 
  • Archive: immediately disables the public URL. 

Embedding Public Calendar URLs

Public calendar URLs are often used to display the calendar on an intranet, like a Sharepoint page, by embedding it with an iframe widget. Below, you'll find resources on how to add an iframe to these types of intranet and internal communication platforms.

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