Adding an activity to the community

As a program administrator, you can manage and add activities for your community for different audiences. An activity could be visible to the company, or just a selected group or smart group. Published activities are seen by members in My Feed. 

This article describes how to add a poll, quick question or quiz. You can also add custom activities for your community


Only program administrators can create polls, quick questions, or quizzes in the Admin space.

Are you a group leader and want to add an activity for your group?

As a group leader, you can add activities to your group Activities page for only members to engage with. Published activities are seen by group members in My Feed and the group. Learn more about adding an activity to a group.

Adding a poll, quick question, or quiz

Activity Types

Quick question

A series of multiple-choice questions that community members can respond to. Quick questions are answered once and disappear from the feed once a submission is made. Answers are never shown to other members.


Members select an answer and are shown a percentage breakdown of other responses. Polls are answered once and disappear from the feed once a submission is made. Answers are never shown to other members.


Members select an answer and are informed if their response is correct along with additional information related to the topic. Quizzes are answered once and disappear from the feed once a submission is made. Member responses to a quiz are never shown to other members.

Custom Activities

Only program administrators can create a custom activity. A custom activity can include several question types, including multiple-choice, answer ranking, image selection and more.

Custom activities are either public so that members can see other member submissions (to encourage connection and collaboration), or private so that only program administrators see responses.

Creating an activity

Program administrators can create an activity in one of two ways:

  • Convert a concept in the Program Calendar.
  • Add an activity to the Activities page. 

To create a poll, quick question, or quiz for your community:

1. Go to Admin > Create > Activities > Add Activity, and select poll, quick question, or quiz.

2. Complete the following details of the Activity:

  • Title and Notes are visible only to program administrators.
  • Access settings are configured for audience visibility.
  • Select a Program Objective for it to appear in the Program Calendar.
  • Enter your question in Type question here. To provide more context, expand the Description.
  • Enter your answer options in the Answers fields.

     If you are building a quiz:

  • Indicate which answer is correct by checking the Correct box.
  • Provide Answer Text, which appears once an answer is selected (correct or incorrect). Its purpose is to educate on the question topic. Make sure that your answer text is concise and generic.

3. Test, schedule and publish your banner. 

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