Organizing the group leader calendar

Your community contains content scheduled by your program administrator and fellow group leaders. The group leader calendar provides a timeline view of planned initiatives across your organization, allowing for more collaboration and awareness.

To access the group leader calendar, go to Group Leader Dashboard > Calendar.

The first section displays all community-wide activities that are owned and managed by the program administrator. The following sections include planned initiatives by group. You can use the filters to narrow down displayed initiatives. Hover over an item to view more details or select it to perform actions.


Program administrators and group leaders can access the group leader calendar. 

Adding a new activity to the calendar

To add a new activity to a group via the calendar:

  1. Go to Group Leader Dashboard > Calendar.
  2. select Add Activity.
  3. Select a group and activity type.
  4. Select Add

Editing an activity on the calendar

Select an initiative to view the basic details. If more action is required, select Actions and choose one of the following options: Edit More, View Public, Get Link, Export, or Generate a Report.

A group leader can only edit initiatives associated with their own groups. They cannot edit activities outside of their group or in the Community-wide section. However, program administrators can edit activities in the Community-wide section as well as in all groups.

Editing an event within the calendar

Select an event on the calendar to open it in a new tab where you can access the full event page for editing. Select the Manage event dropdown in the top right corner and choose Edit.

A group leader can only edit events associated with their own groups. Program administrators can edit events across all groups.

Hiding scheduled activities

Activities and events planned by group leaders are displayed on the group leader calendar by default. In some instances, a group leader may have a sensitive item planned where they would prefer to keep it private from other leaders.

Program administrators are not able to hide planned community content from appearing in the group leader calendar.

For more information on how to hide an activity item or event from the calendar, refer to Hiding scheduled activities.


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