The program calendar is a community planning and visualization tool. It contains community concepts (ideas for the future) and new or existing items like blogs, banners, activities, polls, quick questions, quizzes, and emails. It does not show discussions or events, nor does it display content drafted, scheduled, or published by group leaders. Items can exist even if they are not on a program calendar.
To see a complete view of both community and group content, refer to the group leader calendar (Group leader dashboard > Calendar). Some group content may be hidden from program administrators in the group leader calendar, however, program administrators cannot hide their content from the group leader calendar.
The program calendar is only accessible to program administrators.
Adding a new program calendar
To access the program calendar, go to Admin > Create > Programs. Any existing calendars are listed here.
To add a new program calendar:
- Select Add Program.
- Enter a name and description for the program and select Save.
Setting program objectives
Once you have a program calendar, you can add objectives. Objectives are categories for community activities in the program. Objectives can be reported on and help you create a balanced program.
To add program objectives:
- Open the program.
- Select Add Objective.
- Enter the objective name and Save.
You can reorder objectives on the program calendar using drag and drop on any objective in the Program Objectives list. Select the Actions dropdown next to an objective to Edit or Delete it.
Adding items
Once program objectives have been defined, you can add items to the calendar.
Concepts allow you to create placeholders for future initiatives. To add a new concept:
- Open your program in Timeline view. Select Add Item.
- Select Create Concept.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name: Title your concept.
- Item Type: For more details on types of activities available, refer to Activities.
- Program Objective: Select one program objective.
- Start Date and Time: Select when activity will go live in the community.
- End Date: Select when the activity will conclude and will no longer accept submissions.
- Notes: Notes are only visible to program administrators.
- Select Create to finish your concept. Your concept will appear on the calendar.
If an activity has already been created and you’d like to retroactively add it to the calendar:
- Open your program in Timeline view. Select Add Item.
- Select Add Existing Item.
- Choose the item type.
- Choose an item with that type. Note that an activity can only be assigned to one objective.
- Choose the program objective.
- Select Add to Program. Your item will appear on the calendar.
Editing items
Select an item in the program calendar to update basic details. To make further edits:
- Concepts:
- Select Actions > Convert. This will convert the draft to an item and cannot be undone.
- You will be directed to the item’s editor.
- Items:
- Select Actions > Edit More.
- You will be directed to the item’s editor.
There are additional actions that can be performed on initiatives in the program calendar. Open the item and select Actions.
Deleting items
To delete items on the program calendar, open the item and select Actions > Remove. Note that this action cannot be undone.
Concepts are completely deleted. However, all other initiatives in the program are only removed from the program calendar and program objective.
Editing program calendar details
To edit details of a program calendar:
- Go to Admin > Create > Programs.
- Find the name of your program and select Actions > Edit. This will take you to program settings.
- Select the pencil icon beside Program Name or Notes to make text changes.
- Select Move Schedule to change the program start date (determined by the earliest start date of any items in the program) and move all items in the program.
- The start dates of any items already published, closed or inactive cannot be changed.
Deleting a program calendar
Deleting a program calendar is permanent and all concepts in a program will be deleted. All drafts, published or inactive items in the program will not be deleted, however, they will not be assigned to a Program.
To delete a program calendar:
- Go to Admin > Create > Programs.
- Find the name of your Program > Actions > Delete.
Calendar views
There are three different views for the program calendar:
Timeline view
The timeline view has two options:
- By Objective (default): Displays activities in relation to the Program Objective they were assigned to.
- By Item Type: Displays activities based on the activity type.
Select Filter to choose filters for what is displayed on the calendar.
Table view
The table view displays a list of all concepts and items. Sort by any column by selecting the column header. Select the 3-gear icon on the far right heading of the table to choose the displayed columns.
Group view
The group view categorizes activities by activity type (columns) and program objective (rows).
Program calendar results
To see and download a program snapshot report, select Results from the Timeline view.
The program snapshot includes engagement statistics for every published activity in the selected program. View a different program dataset by selecting Activities and choosing a program or item status. Download to CSV or EXCEL file formats.
There is a filter for members included in the data set:
- All but exclusion list (default)
- Exclusion list: This list is made up of program administrators who you may want to exclude from reporting.
- All users
- Specify (check applicable segmentation groups)