The email correspondence tool allows you to view and manage automated emails that are sent to applicants. You can view the status of emails, cancel emails, and manually send emails outside of the automation.
Viewing emails
To view any email correspondence related to a request or invitation:
- Open the request or invitation.
- Select Manage email in the actions located on the right.
- All email correspondence, including email status and type, is displayed in the Email correspondence pop-up window.
Email status
- A green checkmark means the email was sent on the email Date.
- A red circular icon means the email was cancelled.
- No checkmark or circular icon means the email is in the queue and will be sent on the email Date.
Delayed emails in the queue
If you have automated emails that are sent when you approve or decline a grant request, the templated email is added to the email queue. The email is not sent immediately. This delay is to make sure that if the decision was a mistake, you have time to fix it. The default email delay is two days, however, you can change this timeline by contacting support.
Canceling an email
An email can only be cancelled if it has not yet been sent.
- Open the request or invitation.
- Select Manage email in the actions located on the right.
- Select the email.
- Select Cancel email at the bottom of the email view.
Adding a correspondence email
You can send additional emails manually through the email tool.
- Open the request or invitation.
- Select Manage email in the actions located on the right.
- Select Add a correspondence email at the bottom of the window.
- Enter the email details, including the Date it should be sent.
- Select Save.
The email is now added to the queue and will be sent on the Date specified.
(optional) If you want to edit the email before it gets sent out, select it from the queue and make your changes.
Tip: If you find yourself sending out additional emails often, contact your Client Success Manager to check if those emails could be automated. For example, when a request status changes to Pending, you might want to send an automated email to applicants to let them know their request is currently being reviewed.