Managing requests from VIP contacts

The VIP feature in Benevity Grants lets you flag grant applications that mention a person who is important to your company or granting program. Maybe you would like to flag applications that mention your CEO, or a senior leader who sits on a local nonprofit board.

We’ve made it easier to find these special requests so that you can make sure their reviews are prioritized appropriately. VIP requests are displayed on your dashboard, and you can filter and sort requests by VIP.

In this article:

Adding a VIP

To add a VIP, email with the person’s first and last name. You can send as many as you like. Once we receive the email, our Client Technical Support team will add the VIPs to your program.

VIP requests

Requests from VIPs are indicated in the following areas. 

On the dashboard

Submitted requests that mention one of your VIPs are included in the From VIPs tile on your dashboard. Switch between Mine and All to see the VIP requests assigned to you or to all users. To view the requests, select View VIP requests to review.

Request title

When you open a request, a VIP label and gold star will appear next to the cause’s name, below the request title. 

Request Contact information

Contact information is displayed at the bottom of the request Details tab. If a contact is a VIP, there is a gold star by their name.


VIP filter

You can include the Has VIP(s) filter in your search on the Requests page: 

  1. Go to Requests.
  2. Select Filters.
  3. Select Yes for the Has VIP(s) filter.
  4. Select Filter to apply this filter and view requests from VIPs. 

Create a VIPs saved search

You can create a saved search for requests from VIPs, so that it can be accessed quickly from the dashboard. 

  1. Go to Tools > Advanced Search.
  2. Select the VIP dropdown and choose Has VIP mention(s).
  3. Select Save search at the bottom of the page.
  4. Enter a Saved search name, choose it's visibility and Save.
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