All reviews submitted on a grant request are displayed on the request Review tab. Reviewers can view detailed review responses, read comments, export reviews, and remind others to complete their reviews. Grant requests display three subtabs: Overview, Reviews and Comments. Invitations display only Comments.
Overview provides a summary of the completed and ongoing reviews and comments, as well as a section highlighting the most recent activity. If there are reviewers who are currently assigned to review, you can send them an email reminder by selecting Remind users assigned to review.
All reviews are also listed here. You can review them by review type, or by most recently submitted. Select View to read the responses of the assigned reviewers.
Select Export PDF to download a .pdf file of reviews. If there are scored reviews, you’ll also be able to export the information as a CSV spreadsheet.
Reviews list all reviews submitted on the request. The date of the review, the user who completed it, and their review score (if applicable) will be displayed. You can delete a review by selecting Delete. If the request is in a final status of approved, declined or cancelled, the review cannot be deleted.
For scored reviews, select View full review to read the responses and scores.
Comments displays all comments on the request, including who made the comment and when.
Comments cannot be deleted when the request or invitation is in a final status of approved, declined or cancelled.