Creating quick filters

You can use Quick Filters to easily find related giving opportunities according to a custom set of criteria. Labeled Quick Filters are found under the search bar when someone is looking for a giving opportunity. For example, you could create a ‘Pride Month’ Quick Filter that returns all giving opportunities with a ‘Pride Month’ tag.  


Users with the Campaign Manager role are able to create Quick Filters and make them visible based on a user’s search country.

Creating a Quick Filter

To create a Quick Filter for giving opportunities:

  1. Select Make a Donation > Browse Giving in the top navigation bar and then Show all to see all available opportunities.
  2. Use the search and filter options to refine the list of giving opportunities based on your criteria.  Make sure you specify all necessary key factors, such as location, nonprofit, and any other relevant filters, before selecting Apply to display all opportunities with these criteria.
  3. Select Create Quick Filter at the top of the screen, to the right of the Filters button.  
  1. Enter a name of no more than 25 characters for the Quick Filter that is easy for others to understand and use.  
  2. Choose whether to make this filter available for everyone or just for specific groups, based on search location. If you want to include your current search location, check the box to include it.  
  3. Select Save to confirm the Quick Filter details and make it visible to your people.

Testing the Quick Filter

To ensure the filter works as expected, navigate to the Make a Donation page. The Quick Filter appears under the search bar, allowing users to access filtered opportunities quickly.  Select your Quick Filter from the list available to check that only relevant opportunities appear.

Managing Quick Filters

To manage your Quick Filters:

  1. Select Manage in the top right corner of the screen, followed by Giving > Manage Quick Filters
  2. Select the country you want to manage the Quick Filters for.
  3. From the editor, you can:
    • Reorder filters by selecting the up and down arrows, next to each filter name.
    • View, edit, clone, or delete any Quick Filter, using the options to the right of the filter name.
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