Sharing donor profiles on giving opportunities

You can allow users to consent to share their profile when donating to a giving opportunity. If shared, their name and profile avatar appear in the "Who's Donating" section of a giving opportunity.

The amount a user donated is not shared with their profile. If a user does not consent, they are included in the donation tracker as an anonymous donor.


Users with the role manager or site settings manager user roles can enable the following features. 

Activating the option to display donor profiles

To allow users to consent to share their profile, go to Manage > Site Settings > User Profiles. Select the Display user profiles for consenting donors checkbox. 


To learn more about the user experience, visit the following articles in the Help Centre. You may need to log in to the platform to view them: 

User Profile Preview

To make sure users can view shared profiles, check that the User Profile Preview setting is also enabled. This is found in Manage > Site Settings > User Profiles. This feature displays a preview of the user's profile when hovering over an avatar. Selecting the option to View Profile opens the user’s profile, allowing others to read their About me, access their email address and see their initiatives.


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