Edit, send a reminder, close, or reopen a survey

Once a follow-up survey has been sent or scheduled, there are several actions you can take:

  • Edit a survey before it is sent or when it is completed. 
  • Send a reminder of the survey to the contact. 
  • Close the survey if you have not received a response. 
  • Reopen the survey if you want to send it again. 

Take action on a survey from the Follow-up tab of a request. To view the emails that are sent or scheduled with these actions, select Manage email under Actions on the right. 


Permissions to manage surveys are defined in the Grant request - Survey section of user permissions

Edit survey

To edit a Scheduled survey:

  1. Open a request and go to the Follow-up tab.
  2. Find the scheduled survey and select Actions > Edit.
  3. Edit the contact information or email text in the form.
  4. Choose the Timing and Expiry.
  5. Select Send.

If the applicant has made errors on the survey, you can also edit a Completed survey:

  1. Open a request and go to the Follow-up tab.
  2. Find the completed survey and select Actions > Edit response.
  3. Updated any of the submitted answers.
  4. Select Save to confirm your changes. 

Send a reminder

Once a survey has been sent, an email reminder can be sent to the contact:

  1. Open the request and go to the Follow-up tab.
  2. Find the survey and select Actions > Send a reminder.
  3. Review the information and make any changes if necessary. 
  4. Select Send.

Close survey

To Close a survey, its status must be Open, Scheduled, or Expired:

  1. Open a request and go to the Follow-up tab.
  2. Find the survey and select Actions > Close.

Reopen survey

To Reopen a survey, its status must be Closed or Expired.

  1. Open the request and go to the Follow-up tab.
  2. Find the survey and select Actions > Reopen.
  3. Review the contact information and email text.
  4. Choose the Timing and Expiry.
  5. Select Send.
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