Segmentation groups are used to group users and filter reports. They are not visible to members or group leaders, unless a public label is used.
There are two types of segmentation groups:
- Static/Manual Group: Members are added or removed manually by a program administrator. They are typically used when the program administrator knows which group members to target.
- Smart Group: Members are added or removed automatically. Smart groups typically use responses to profile surveys, activities, polls, or quick questions to determine which users are members. Smart groups can also consider user behaviour, such as the number of days since the last login.
To view segmentation groups, go to Admin > Manage > Groups. All segmentation groups associated with a resource or interest group in the community are listed, and the member list is locked for editing.
Learn more about how to manage members of a resource or interest group.
Program administrators can create and manage segmentation groups.
Static/manual groups
Adding a static or manual group
- Go to Admin > Manage > Groups.
- Select Add a Group.
- Enter a Name (visible to other members if you choose to display a public banner).
- Enter a Group description for internal purposes only.
- Decide if a public banner is displayed next to users in this group and choose the color. This is often used to highlight program administrators, chairs of resource groups, and more long-standing titles.
- Select Save.
Adding users to a static/manual group
To add individuals to a static/manual group who currently have accounts within the community:
- Open the segmentation group.
- Select Add users.
- Enter the username (alias) or email of the members you want to add to the group. Emails are automatically converted to usernames. Enter one member alias or email per line, up to a maximum of 100.
- Select Add members.
- Successful member adds are displayed. Review and Close.
Removing users from a static/manual group
- Go to a group.
- Select the checkbox to the left of the usernames to remove.
- Select Remove selected users.
- Select OK.
Deleting a static/manual group
- Deleting a group is irreversible. To delete a static/manual group:
- Go to group.
- Select Delete.
- Review the reminder and select Yes, delete this group.
Smart groups
Adding a smart group
- Go to Admin > Manage > Groups
- Select Add a Smart Group.
- Enter a Name visible to other members if you choose to display a public banner.
- Enter a Group description for internal purposes only.
- Decide if a public Group banner is displayed by users in this group and choose the color. This is often used to highlight program administrators, chairs of resource groups, and more long-standing titles.
- Add smart rules for including members. You can add up to 15 rules per smart group.
- Choose if the member needs to match all or any of the rules provided.
- Select rules for segmentation:
- User: include members based on user activity and group membership.
- Profile: include members based on responses to the profile survey
- Various activities, polls, quick questions, quizzes: Organized alphabetically, locate a particular item to segment by, and if applicable, choose the question to segment on. The list includes active and inactive content.
- Select Save.
We do not recommend creating complex smart groups. With multiple criteria, it can be difficult to determine which members can or cannot see content. Keep it simple to make sure content is visible to the groups you expect.
Adding or removing users to a smart group
You cannot add or remove members from a smart group, as they are automatically managed by rule criteria.
Deleting a smart group
Deleting a group is irreversible. To delete a smart group:
- Go to group.
- Select Delete.
- Review the reminder and select Yes, delete this group.
Default segmentation groups
Your community has default manual/static segmentation groups. These include:
- Activity Testers: users can access content that program administrators move to testing.
- Administrators: users have access to the Admin space and full permissions across the community.
- Guest Bloggers: users can draft and author blogs for the community. All blogs are reviewed and published by program administrators.
- Report Exclusion: users are removed from reports unless a program administrator includes the segment. This is useful if some members have higher participation metrics that skew results, such as program administrators or group leaders.