Managing community members

Program administrators can manage users and user settings, and help troubleshoot user needs. 


Program administrators can manage all users in the community. 

Viewing user accounts

You can view user accounts by going to Admin > Manage > Users.

Select a username to view their account. You can access the following information: 

  • Info: general information about the user and their engagement. You can also:
    • View Public Profile: opens the profile page for the individual.
    • Edit User: for more details, refer to Editing user profiles.
    • Edit Settings: for more details, refer to Editing user profiles.
    • Suspend/Banish User: for more details, refer to Suspending, Banishing or Closing an Account.
    • Close Account: for more details, refer to Suspending, Banishing or Closing an Account.
  • Submissions: an overview of user activity across the community.
  • Comments: all comments posted by the user.
  • Logins: a list of dates and times that the user logged in.
  • IP Addresses: all IP addresses that a user has logged in from.
  • Policies: a list of all community policies that the user has agreed to.
  • Profile Updates: an audit log of changes made to a user’s profile.

Adding users

In the unlikely event you need to manually add users, please contact the support team.

Editing user profiles

Members are encouraged to update their profile information. If this is not possible, a program administrator can edit a user’s profile on their behalf.

To edit a profile, go to Admin > Manage > Users > Edit.

You can update the following:

  • Avatar
  • Profile header
  • Username
  • Email (Note: in the cases of SSO login, this should not be edited)
  • Password (Note: in the cases of SSO login, this should not be edited)
  • Time zone
  • Bio

Edit notification preferences

Members are encouraged to update their profile notification preferences. If this is not possible, a program administrator can edit a user’s notification settings on their behalf.

To edit notification settings, select a Username > Edit Settings.

If a member is not receiving community emails, it may be due to the following settings:

  • The toggle for There is news to share in the community is turned off
  • The toggle for Unsubscribe from all emails is turned off

Suspending a user

A suspension temporarily prevents members from logging into the community. Content submitted by a member will remain available in the community.

To suspend a user:

  1. Go to Admin > Manage > Users > Edit.
  2. Select Suspend User.
  3. Complete the reason for suspension.
  4. (Optional) Include a public-facing message.
  5. Choose if you’d like to notify the user of their suspension.
  6. Select Suspend.

To reverse a suspension and reactivate a user’s account, select Reinstate User from the user account.

Banishing a user

Banishing a user permanently prevents them from logging in to the site. This action is irreversible and removes all traces of the user from the community. Posts and other user activity appear as a “Deleted Comment” from “Deleted User”.

To banish a user:

  1. Go to Admin > Manage > Users > Edit.
  2. Select Banish User.
  3. Complete a reason for banishing.
  4. Choose if you’d like to notify them.
  5. Confirm the irreversible decision.
  6. Select Banish.

Closing an account

Members can close their accounts by going to their profile Settings. When an account is closed, a user’s profile, submissions and comments are not visible in the community. Individuals can create new accounts with the same email address.

To take action and close a user’s account:

  1. Go to Admin > Manage > Users > Edit.
  2. Select Close Account.
  3. Confirm you have read the description.
  4. Select Close Account.

Data storage

When an account is closed, all user-related information is completely removed from the community. Any posts or activities previously done by the user will be displayed as a "Deleted Comment" from a user called "Deleted User." However, for legal reasons, the following information will still be accessible in the Admin, specifically if the member has made any submissions within the community.

  • Email address
  • User alias
  • Dates of logins
  • IP addresses
  • All submissions
  • All tags
  • All policies the user agreed to
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