Use Benevity Reporting to segment your audiences to identify users who redeemed seeding rewards, users who logged in but took no action and users who did not log in.
To assist with your learning, it is recommended that you read Benevity Reporting: Basics.
Users who have logged in and redeemed seeding rewards
The following steps show you how to use a stock report within Benevity Reporting to identify users who have logged in to your program and redeemed money in their seeding accounts.
1. Log in to Benevity Reporting, and in the Repository under Stock Reporting, open the stock report titled My Rewards Balance by Identifier and User.
2. Under Date Issued between, select the date range of your program launch.
3. Under Identifier, select the identifier used for the campaign seeding (e.g., Program Name Launch Seeding).
4. Select User Status as Active.
5. Select Apply to run the report and generate the list.
6. Select the Export icon and export to .xlsx to export the file into an Excel spreadsheet. The file will download to your typical file download location.
7. Open the file, and, using the spreadsheet, add a filter to Row 1.
8. Filter Column A to deselect All and select Blanks in the checkbox.
9. Add a filter to the Amount Redeemed column and filter out 0 to produce a list of all employees who redeemed all or part of their seeding funds.
10. Use the final list to report on or communicate with these employees. If you’d like to email them, paste this email list into your chosen email program.
Users who have logged in to your program but have not redeemed campaign seeding
The following steps show you how to use a stock report within Benevity Reporting to identify users who have logged in to your program but have not redeemed money in their seeding accounts.
1. Log in to Benevity Reporting, and in the Repository under Stock Reporting, open the stock report titled My Rewards Balance by Identifier and User.
2. Under Date Issued Between, select the date range of your program launch.
3. Under Identifier, select the identifier used for the campaign seeding (e.g., Program Name Launch Seeding).
4. Select User Status as Active.
5. Select Apply to run the report and generate the list.
6. Select the Export icon and export to .xlsx to export the file into an Excel spreadsheet. The file will download to your typical file download location.
7. Open the file, and, using the spreadsheet, add a filter to Row 1.
8. Filter Column A to deselect All and select Blanks in the checkbox.
9. Add a filter to the Balance column and filter out 0. Once all zero (0) amounts are filtered out, you will have the list of all employees who have not redeemed all or part of their seeding funds. Use this list to report on or communicate with these employees. If you’d like to email them, paste this email list into your email program.
10. To filter out people who partially redeemed, filter on Amount Redeemed and select only 0 amounts. This provides you with all the users who have a full balance remaining.
11. Use the final list to report on or communicate with these employees. If you’d like to email them, paste this email list into your chosen email program.
If you would also like to know if a user has signed in to your program or not (based on users who have or have not accepted the terms of use), follow these steps:
1. Log in to Benevity Reporting and in the Repository under Stock Reporting, open the stock report titled, Terms of Use List.
2. Select the User Instance you would like to focus on (e.g., All)
3. Select a Custom Field to provide you with more information (e.g., Department, Employee Status, Country).
4. Select User Status as Active.
5. Under User Accepted Legal, select both Yes and No.
6. Select Apply to run the report and generate the list.
7. Select the Export icon and export to .xlsx to export the file into an Excel spreadsheet. The file will download to your typical file download location.
8. In your exported version of My Rewards Redemption by Identifier and User report, use the VLOOKUP function in Excel to pull in the User Accepted Legal column from the Accepted Terms of Use exported report to see if users with balances remaining have logged in or not.
9. Use the final list to report on or communicate with these employees who are in this report. If you'd like to email them, paste this email list into your chosen email program.
Users who have not logged in
The following steps show you how to use a stock report within Benevity Reporting to identify users who have not logged in to your program (based on users who have not accepted the terms of use).
Note: Employees who have not been seeded (e.g., in different geographies, contractors or retirees) may show in this list. In Benevity Reporting, you can adjust fields under Instance Country and Custom Field Name to select your custom setting (e.g., Status, Employee Type).
1. Log in to Benevity Reporting and, in the Repository under Stock Reporting, open the stock report titled Terms of Use List.
2. Select the User Instance you would like to focus on (e.g., All).
3. Select a Custom Field to provide you with more information (e.g., Department, Employee Status, Country).
4. Select User Status as Active.
5. Under User Accepted Legal, select No.
6. Select Apply to run the report and generate the list.
7. Select the Export icon and export to .xlsx to export the file into an Excel spreadsheet. The file will download to your typical file download location.
8. Use the final list to report on or communicate with these employees. If you’d like to email them, paste this email list into your chosen email program.