There could be one or more challenges in your Missions library that are unpublished. If you will not be publishing a particular challenge, you have the option to archive it instead, and it will no longer appear in your library. This can be a helpful way to “tidy up” the view of your Missions library.
Users with the Missions Manager role are able to archive unpublished challenges.
1. Manage Challenges
When in Manage mode, select Manage Challenges from the Missions drop-down menu. You will see a list of all the challenges available to you in missions, which includes a Status of either “Published” or “Unpublished” for each one.
2. Edit
For any challenge you would like to archive, select the Edit button. At the bottom of the Edit screen is a Status selector. Your options are Published, Unpublished, or Archived.
3. Save
After selecting "Archived" as a Status, select the Save button at the bottom of the page. The challenge you have chosen is now archived. Challenges must be archived one at a time, so simply repeat the process for any other challenges you wish to archive.
By archiving all the unpublished challenges in your Missions library, you can limit the view to just the published ones. This will give you a clear snapshot of all the Missions content you have published.
At any time, you can view all your archived challenges by using the Status filter at the top of the Manage Challenges page. So, if you would like to publish the content, you can repeat the above steps and use the “Edit” button to change the status from “Archived” to “Published.”