Users with the missions manager role are able to create new missions.
Creating missions
After navigating to the manage side of your goodness program site, choose Missions from the navigation. From here you can create, edit and manage your missions, which are collections of activities relating to a common goal. They can be customized to focus on different themes, address different issues and tailor your program to your organization's goals and initiatives. For example, a mission called “Save Water at Work” could have several different activities.
Start by selecting Manage Missions which will allow you to view, edit and create new missions.
Next, choose Add Mission to be taken to the mission creation form.
1. Details
The first section is called Details. This is where you can include your mission title, summary and description, including the importance of the mission and how it aligns with your organization's goals. You also need to select a category for this mission from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the form. Choose from different categories like Water, Energy, Awareness or Diversity and Inclusion.
2. Design
In the Design section, you can upload an image for this mission. The maximum file size is 8 MB and it must be larger than 342 by 192 pixels. The allowable file extensions are png, gif, jpg and jpeg.
While images are not required, we encourage you to add them. A fun or exciting picture can help draw more attention to your mission, so be thoughtful and creative when considering images.
3. Challenges
In the Challenges section, you can tie together previously created challenges with the mission that you're now creating. Select all that apply, or simply click Add All.
4. Activities
In the activities section, you can add specific activities associated with this Mission. Select all that apply, or simply select Add All if you want to include all of these Activities in this Mission.
5. Media
In the Media section, you can include supporting videos for the Mission. After ensuring the content is okay, enter the URL from either YouTube or Vimeo.
Once you've reviewed all the information, click Save to save this Mission.
Once you publish the Mission, your people will have access to the Missions you've created and saved. You’ll want to inform them of any new additions and changes to your Missions program, so remember to keep them up to date with email posts.