Missions are made up of different activities that people can complete. These activities help users learn about and contribute to the mission's goal.
Users with the missions manager role are able to create new activities.
Creating activities
After navigating to the Manage side of your goodness program site, choose Missions in the toolbar. This will take you to the admin side of missions, where you can create, edit and manage your program.
Start by selecting Manage Activities, which will allow you to view, edit and create new activities. Next, choose Add Activity to be taken to the Activity Creation page.
There are three main sections: Details, Measurements and Missions. You can save your progress at any time using the Save button at the bottom of the page.
1. Details
The first section is called Details. This is where you can include your Activity Title (something fun and descriptive to capture people's attention), a Description of the Activity (clear and simple, and under 140 characters). Other details you can add include: Why it Matters (explain why the Activity is important and who it might impact), How it's Done (provide some tips on how to complete the Activity), Time to Complete and Level of Effort. Your last step is choosing the category for this Activity. When you're ready to move on to the Measurements section, choose next.
2. Measurements
In the Measurements section, you can configure any savings generated from this Activity, as well as how the measurements were calculated, which assumptions were made and the source(s) used. Even if you don't have measurements, it's a good idea to include a source name and links to the source(s), which people can turn to for more information. To move on to the next page, choose Next: Missions.
3. Missions
You can add the activity to any existing mission. Simply choose Add beside each mission you want to add the activity to, or use the Add All button at the bottom. Remember you need to have created at least one mission already to add an activity to it.
Once you've added your activity, click Save at the bottom of the page to save this activity. The activity will now be available to view under the Manage Activities screen under the Missions tab. You can edit it or archive it at any time.