Tracking and approving volunteer time in Benevity Volunteer helps ensure accurate reporting and reward allocation for your employees' volunteer efforts. Please note that the steps outlined here do not apply to volunteer opportunities that automatically track volunteer time.
Anyone with the user roles volunteer manager or volunteer rewards manager can review and approve volunteer time submitted by others.
1. Navigate to the Approve Volunteer Time page
To review and approve volunteer time, start by selecting Manage to enter Benevity Volunteer as an administrator. Next, hover over Volunteer on the Management Toolbar and select Approve Volunteer Time.
2. Selecting a volunteer submission
To review a user's volunteer submission, select the Details option. Their submission will open, outlining all the fields they filled out on the Track Time form.
3. Approve or reject submission
Review the submission to ensure it aligns with your company’s guidelines and either Approve or Reject the request.
If approved, the individual will receive an automated email from the system notifying them of the approval.
If rejected, you do have a chance to add a personalized note to the user before sending the notification.
4. Bulk approvals
You can also bulk approve or bulk decline volunteer time. To do this, select all the submissions to approve or decline by clicking the box. Navigate to Choose an Operation, select the Approve or Decline option, and select Execute.
Review the selected submissions and click Confirm. The requests will be completed, and an email will be sent to the users letting them know that their submission has either been approved or declined.
Note: If you bulk decline volunteer time, there is an optional step where you are able to give a reason for declining the submissions.
5. Modifying rewards
You can also modify the reward type for selected submissions. This is handy if the user has exceeded their personal budget and would still like to show the time they've tracked. To do this, select submission to modify using the check box. In the Bulk Operations function select Modify the Reward Type for selected submissions, and then Execute.
You'll be taken to a separate page allowing you to choose the Reward Option. Select the reward option in the dropdown menu, either No Reward or Donation Currency, and select Next.
Review the modified submission and Confirm. The submission will still be in the queue for your approval. To approve a modified request, follow the steps for approving volunteer time.