Creating spending requests

Group Leaders can create spending requests for an allocated budget to build forecasts for their group. Requests are finalized by tracking the actual amounts their group spent on events and activities so that administrators have accurate information about spending. Budgets and spending can be reported at both a program and group level. 


Group leaders can submit and manage spending requests. 

Creating a spending request

To create a new spending request:

  1. Open the Group Leader Dashboard and locate and open a group manager. 
  2. Go to the Budgets & Spending tab and select New spending request.

  3. Enter the following details:
    • Name: internal name for the spending request 
    • Amount: how much money you are requesting to spend
    • Allocation source: which budget allocation are you requesting to spend. 
    • Request description: what are you spending money on? 
    • Spend date: when will you spend the money? 
    • Supporting documentation: upload receipts, quotes, invoices, etc.
  4. Select Next to review the entered request details and then Submit

All submitted requests are automatically set to Spending approved status. You'll find all requests displayed below the dashboard. The Actions dropdown next to a request allows you to view all request details, edit a request and add actual amounts.

Finalizing requests with actual amounts 

After an event or activity, you'll know the exact amount spent. To maintain accurate budget tracking and finalize a spending request, it's essential to add these actual amounts. Leaders can itemize expenses by listing transactions and attaching receipts. Once the actual amounts are added and the request is finalized, the total spent is updated on the dashboard.

To update the actual amounts for a spending request: 

  1. Locate the spending request and select Actions > Add actual amounts

  2. Select Attach and view documents to upload receipts associated with this spending request. We recommend giving your receipt a name before uploading.
  3. Enter the Transaction name, Date, and Amount
  4. Select an uploaded receipt for each transaction from the Receipt dropdown.
  5. Optional: Select Add new transaction to create additional transaction entries. 
  6. Select Next to review the total amount spent across all transactions. Finalize when all transactions related to the request are included. 

After a spending request is Finalized, you cannot edit it. You can choose to Save draft at any time if you want to add more details later. 

Finalized spend requests have a Completed Status and the total amount of all actual transactions added are marked as spent. 

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