Budget and spending dashboard

The Budget and Spending Dashboard displays a summary of allocated budgets and approved and spent funds. The dashboard is updated automatically as allocations or spending requests are made but there is a short delay between the action and the dashboard update. 


Program administrators can view the budgets and spending for all groups. Group leaders can only view the budgets and spending for their own group.

Accessing the dashboard 

Program administrator

If you are a program administrator, go to Admin > Manage > Budgets and Spending to find the dashboard. You can see budget and spending data for allocations for all groups. 

Group leader 

Go to your profile icon in the top right corner and select Group Leader Dashboard. Open one of the groups you lead and select the Budgets & Spending tab. Here, you can see budget and spending data for allocations to that group.

Filtering the dashboard 

You can filter the dashboard using the allocation dropdown. Select All to view all budget and spending data or choose from the list of allocation names. 

The following data is available on the dashboard: 

  • Amount allocated = the total budget amount allocated.
  • Amount spent = the total of all actual amounts added to spend requests.
  • Amount approved = the total amount of approved spend requests. The platform currently auto-approves all requests. 
  • Amount available = the remaining amount of allocated funds available to use. It is equal to the total allocated amount minus the total amount spent. 
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