Employee Engagement technical support requests

The Client Technical Support team is available to support you on a range of technical inquiries related to your employee engagement program. Below, you'll find common request types that our team can help you with in your day-to-day administrative operations. Please take note of estimated turnaround times, and review our self-serve alternatives that can empower you to find the answers you need right away. 

If you are unable to find an answer, you can submit a request for the below topics through our online B-Hive form. One of our Client Technical Support specialists will review it and respond with the best solution for your needs.

For more details, you can also view the below information in a PDF

Admin Requests
Support Request Topic What is it? What Should You Provide? Estimated turnaround time
Cause Filter Changes Adding or removing an active cause, cause category or NTEE code from/to your matching or search filters Cause ID, Country, Cause Name, Confirmation/Authorization 2 Business Days
Causes Team Support

For client administrator questions about causes, including investigations, reach-outs, and duplicate profiles.

Your cause partners can reach out directly to our Cause Support team at causes@benevity.com for support.

Cause ID, Cause Name, Charity Contact Information. 3-5 Business Days
Demographic File and Local Log-in Questions Questions related to your user demographic file load and user access via local login. The demographic file date and/or user ID's. 4 Business Days
Demographic File Updates Requesting edits to fields (adding, removing, editing) to your current file. Description of the changes that you are looking to make. 2 Business Days
Disbursement Support Questions Inquiries into disbursement information and confirmation of disbursements. Cause ID, Cause Name, Donation Amount, Donation Date, Donor's Name - For security, please send any Personally identifiable information (PII) through encrypted means. 3 Business Days
File Transfer Service Requests to Add/Edit user accounts and confirm file transfer details. User Info, IP Addresses, File Name, Error Logs/Screenshots. Dependent on change being requested
Functionality Questions Questions related to functionality (e.g. Can we enable X functionality? Does feature X allow me to do Y? Why is this feature not working as I expect? etc.) First, review our detailed B-Hive article; It is likely you’ll find your answer there! If not, please submit your desired outcome, any steps we should follow to replicate, and any relevant screenshots.  
Configuration Updates Requests to configure aspects of the platform that are not adjustable to administrators. First, review our detailed B-Hive article; It is likely you’ll find your answer there! If not, please submit your desired outcome, any steps we should follow to replicate, and relevant screenshots. 3 Business Days
SSO Troubleshooting SSO Configuration Issues Description of the error or issue, the site URL, and names of impacted users. If related to a certificate update, confirm the certificate expiration. 2 Business Days
Staging Site Configuring the Staging Site and adding user accounts Description of the error or issue, the site URL, and names of impacted users. If related to a certificate update, confirm the certificate expiration. 3 Business Days
Change Signatory Requests
Support Request Topic What is it? What Should You Provide? Estimated turnaround time
Budget Updates

Updates to existing budgets, or creating new budgets.

The ability for you to update budgets is coming soon!

Budget name, amount you wish to adjust the budget by (converted to its currency). 1-2 Business Days
Bulk Uploads The process where we load transactions in bulk per your need. The desired outcome and the applicable user ID(s), cause(s) and financial information. Our team may contact you for more information, as complex imports require further details. Up to 5 Business Days (once the file is received)
Campaign or Special Matching Rate Setup Enable a special matching percentage and/or matching caps for all or some of the causes in the platform Required information depends on a variety of factors, such as the number of causes, currencies, budget impact, etc. Please use the B-Hive link and fill out the Campaign Survey to determine the required information. 2-3 Business Days
Administrator Management Questions on administrative roles. Requests to create/disable/reset Benevity Reporting credentials. Available roles can be found in B-Hive. Provide employee names and email addresses for reporting accounts. 1-3 Business Days


Finance Admin Requests
Support Request Topic What is it? What Should You Provide? Estimated turnaround time
Finance Team Support Questions around your Donation Report, changes to billing information Date, Donation Report Number, Foundation name, new billing address, etc 3 Business Days
Payroll Support Questions Any questions you may have around payroll transactions (e.g. When was X transaction processed?). Updates to Payroll Calendars The transaction(s) information including Employee ID, Pay Date, Pay Schedule Name. Payroll calendar name, and completed calendar template 3-5 Business Days


Finance Change Signatory Requests
Support Request Topic What is it? What Should You Provide? Estimated turnaround time
Reconciliation Reconciling DR's and Transactions Within Date, Donation Report Number, Foundation name, new billing address, payroll periods, specific transactions etc 5 Business Days


Reporting Admin Requests
Support Request Topic What is it? What Should You Provide? Approval Level Estimated turnaround time
Report Assistance/ Generation Questions on how to manage reports. Requests to create ad hoc reports. The purpose and type of the report along with any background information, required fields and filters, and date ranges. Please provide a desired due date. Users with access to reports.  3 to 5 Business Days. Reports may take longer depending on complexity. 


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