Manually reviewing external match requests

All donations that are eligible for matching and made through the platform are automatically matched and no review is required. If your program allows employees to make donations outside of the platform and receive a company match, the Request a Match form is accessible from the employee's navigation bar. Depending on your program, match requests are either automatically reviewed or manually reviewed by program administrators. 


Users with the external match manager role can review external match requests.

Reviewing a match request

You can view all match requests by going to Manage > Match Requests or selecting Take Action on a match request action item in the Admin Dashboard.

To review a match request:

  1. Choose and apply filters on the left side. You can filter by First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Email Address, Request Status and more. 
  2. Select View Details in the first column to see the information provided by the employee in the Request a Match form. 
  3. Choose to Approve or Decline the request and then Confirm and Notify User to let the requester know your decision. You can write an optional message to send with your decision.

Managing multiple match requests

You can approve or decline multiple match requests at the same time if you have reviewed them and know your decision. To take one of these actions:

  1. Select the checkbox next to each request you want to action.
  2. Choose to either Approve External Matching Request or Decline External Matching Request from the Bulk Operations dropdown. 
  3. Select Apply and then Confirm to action the requests. 

All the selected requests are now approved or declined. An email with your decision is sent to the requester to inform them.


Related Resources

Training course:

Managing External Match Requests
A guide to managing external match requests for donations made outside of your company's goodness program site.
⏰  5 minutes

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