This article describes the default behaviour of a highly configurable system. Your version of Community Investment Enterprise may appear or behave differently depending on user permissions and custom configurations.
Applications are customized for a program. They typically begin with an eligibility quiz, guiding applicants through questions to ensure they qualify for the right application type. The application is completed by answering questions across multiple pages to capture information requested by the program.
Standard application
Submitters can initiate a new application by logging in to the submitter portal and selecting Get Started on the home page.
Eligibility quiz
The eligibility quiz is typically the first step and is crucial for determining if submitters are eligible for the program and routing them to the appropriate application type. They are presented with a series of conditional questions and are prevented from going further if a response does not meet the accepted program criteria.
Invite codes
If the program uses invite codes, they are generally provided to submitters by different teams and entered during the eligibility quiz to determine the application type and the mailbox it is assigned to for reviewers.
Application questions
Submitters are directed to a program application they are eligible for. The application is designed for a user-friendly experience. It typically includes multiple pages with customizable question formats, categorized into required and optional fields, along with conditional questions.
Pages are shown across the top of the application, highlighting the page the submitter is currently on. To navigate between pages, use Back/Next at the bottom of the page. All required questions* must be completed before the submitter can move to the next page.
The application auto-saves as it is completed, however, a manual save option is also available. Applicants can save and leave the application at any time and pick it back up at a later date.
Application actions:
- Back: go back to the previous page in the application.
- Next: go to the next page of the application.
- Save: save the responses entered in the application.
- Save & Close: save responses and close the application.
- Submit: submit the application for review.
- Cancel: close the application.
On the final page of the application, the submitter can Submit to finalize the application submission. This is only possible if all required questions are complete. After submitting an application a confirmation page is displayed and an email notification is sent for record and acknowledgment.