You can track the metrics you need to share with your stakeholders while uncovering opportunities to grow your grants program. You have access to nine standard reports, which are detailed in more information below.
If you'd like to create custom reports that are specific to your program needs, please reach out to your Client Success Manager.
To access your reports:
- Sign in to your program site.
- On the main navigation bar, select Tools > Reports
For information on what the standard reports can tell you, either watch this video or read the rest of the article:
Standard reports
Funding and sponsorship commitments
This report lists your approved requests and shows which payments are paid or committed. The report includes duration of payments, total commitment, project name. Cash payments and in-kind are included. Payments are shown in clients default currency. The report is grouped by fiscal year and by client specific budget levels.
Reconciliation report
This report lists the paid amounts, sorted by fiscal years and client specific budget levels. This report could be used to reconcile grants fiscal data with your internal accounting and banking accounts. Only approved requests with cash payments are included (no in-kind).
Charitable receipts
This report lists the outstanding charitable receipts. The report is grouped by year, receipts received, and receipts not received. The report contains reference numbers, organization name, CRA/EIN numbers, amounts paid, pay date and contact information.
Community investment (CI) summary report
This report shows the total number of requests received compared to the number of requests for your specific statuses. The report is grouped by year, region, and then by program type (external/employee). You can customize this report to accommodate all the statuses you have.
Summary of payments by region
This is a summary report which shows the total number of approved payments and amounts including payments that are committed, processing, and paid. The report is grouped by fiscal year and primary region. The heading and title can be adjusted to accommodate your top-level grouping, such as region and country).
Budget report
The budget report shows the amount budgeted compared to the amounts paid and committed for approved requests. The report shows the balance as well as the percentage. The report includes a bar chart to give a quick at a glance view of the budget. This report is grouped by fiscal year and by your specific budget levels.
Commitments schedule
This report is a six-year glance of scheduled payments, including single and multi-year commitments. The report is grouped by region and focus area. Includes only the approved request status and cash payments (no in-kind). The report displays the organization name, total amount committed, and initiative/project name. The report indicates if the amount is paid or committed.
Events schedule
This report shows all events scheduled for the related approved request. The report is grouped by the event year and month. The report displays the reference number, organization name, event name, venue, date and donation amount. Includes cash payments and in-kind. Event data comes from the Event details section, found near the bottom of the Review tab. Donation amount data comes from the Payments tab (cash and in-kind).
Prospective proposals
This report shows all the requests that are marked as something other than approved, declined or cancelled. The report is grouped by status and region, and then sorted by the date when the requests were received. The report shows the request number, organization name, tax number, project name, date requested, amount requested, contact information, description of proposal as well as recommendations.