To create gift cards and gift card codes, you first need to have the awards manager role assigned to you. Once you have this role, follow these steps to create gift cards and gift card codes.
After logging in, click Manage in the top right corner of your screen and then hover over the Company Giving option within the toolbar. From there, select Gift Cards from the dropdown.
1. Create Gift Cards to E-mail
In the top right corner, select Create and E-mail Gift Cards.
From here, you'll be prompted to create a Campaign Name (such as “New Hire Gift Cards,” “Volunteer Week Campaign,” “Christmas Bonus,” or anything else that will allow you to reference the gift cards in reporting).
Next, you can upload a custom image for your gift cards. If you've created custom gift cards before, you can select from previously used images; otherwise you'll be asked to add an image. For the best result, images should be 464×283px and in .jpg format.
2. Select Value of Gift Card
Once you’ve uploaded an image, enter a value for all of the gift cards. You cannot customize the amount of each gift card, so if you're sending gift cards to multiple recipients, each recipient will receive the same value gift card.
You can also add an optional expiry date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) if you’d like recipients to use the gift cards within a certain time frame.
3. Add Gift Card Recipients
To e-mail the gift cards, you'll need each recipient's first and last name, as well as their e-mail address. Once you've filled out all three fields, select Click to Add to move the recipient onto the Recipient list. Simply repeat this step for each recipient.
4. Add a Personal Message
Select the name and e-mail address that you want to have the e-mail sent from (for example, Company Name and
The default subject will be set to “You've received a Charitable Gift Card. Use it to donate to a cause you care about!” You can edit the subject to reflect a personal message such as “Thank you for participating in our Global Volunteer Week!” or “Happy Holidays from [Company Name]!”
Lastly, you can add an optional personal message to the body of the e-mail. Note that every recipient will receive the same message.
5. Review All Information and Preview Gift Cards
Review all the information you've entered, and then select Preview Gift Card.
6. Confirmation
The last step before sending out your gift cards is previewing what the gift card will look like to recipients.
At the bottom of the page, there is a summary of important information including:
- The amount of each gift card
- Quantity of gift cards
- Total amount of all gift cards
- Expiry date
- Recipients
After carefully reviewing all information, select Add to my donations and send this gift.
Once complete, you'll receive the success message Gift Card Complete.
Don’t have the recipients’ e-mail addresses or would prefer to create physical gift cards? Instead of selecting Create and E-mail Gift Cards, click Create Gift Card Codes under Company Giving > Gift Cards on the Manage side of Spark.
7. Enter Information
From here, follow the same steps outlined above. Instead of adding recipients to a list, you'll be asked to select the number of gift card codes required. Each gift card code equals to one redeemable gift card.
Once you’ve completed all the steps, review your information and select Preview Gift Card.
8. Confirmation
The last step before sending out your gift cards is reviewing all of the information you entered.
At the bottom of the page is a summary of important information including:
- The amount of each gift card
- Quantity of gift cards
- Total amount of all gift cards
- Expiry date.
Review this information carefully and select Deduct from your account and create gift card codes.
Once complete, you'll be taken to a new window that shows your Gift Code Campaign and the gift card codes.
9. Downloading Gift Card Codes
To see your gift card codes, you can download them directly from the success window by selecting Download CSV. If you want to download a list of codes that were previously created, hover over the Company Giving option within the toolbar. From there, click the first option in the list, Gift Cards.
Under Gift Card Campaigns, search for the name of your recently created campaign.
Select Details, which will take you to a new window where you can review all of the gift card codes, amounts and whether or not the card has been redeemed.
Click Download CSV to download an Excel file of the redeemable gift card codes. You can now attach these codes to physical gift cards that can be customized to your liking.
Whether you’re using e-mailed gift cards or gift card codes, users can redeem them by going to the external version of your site, the Community Impact (CI) Portal. Gift cards won’t appear on your Donation Report (DCAR) until they're redeemed.