List of available user roles in Spark

Below are the different Spark administrator roles and the tasks and functions they perform. Learn about assigning user roles in Spark

All roles with an * have full access to the B-Hive. 

Adhoc Reporting User
Can access the Benevity Reporting Tool from the Manage side of the platform.

*Awards Manager
Can make corporate donations, create and send corporate gift cards, seed user accounts, and configure campaign matching.

*Bulk Email Manager
Can create and send bulk emails.

*Budget Manager 
Can view and edit budgets in Spark and seed user accounts.

*Campaign Manager
Can create and publish company giving opportunities, and bulk manage (approve, decline, etc.) user-created campaigns.

*Campaign Manager (non-admin)
Can create giving opportunities but cannot publish, feature, approve, target or set custom matching.

Challenges admin
Can create and manage challenges in the Challenges module. 

*Community Portal Manager
Can customize the Community Impact (CI) Portal text and can feature content on the CI Portal.

*Content Manager
Can create and publish company news.

Dashboard Beta Admin
Can view custom dashboard reports on the Manage side of the platform.

*Dashboard Manager
Can create, edit and manage Cover Stories.

*External Match Manager
Can manage (approve or deny) external match requests.

Fundraising Manager
Can create and publish Friendraising opportunities.

Grant Management User
Can access the link to the Grants management interface from the Manage side of the platform.

Local Login
Allows a user to log into Spark via username and password bypassing the need to use SSO. The Role Manager can assign this custom role.

Ignore User File
Prevents a user’s account from being deactivated if they are not on the user file. The Role Manager can assign this custom role.

*Payroll Manager
Can create deduction periods, export deduction instructions and commit pledges as donations.

*Reports Manager
Can access all default reports on the Manage side of the platform.

*Reward Configuration Manager
Can set reward configurations for volunteers.

*Role Manager
Can modify role assignments for users. Can also enable and disable Activity Streams, manage posts and download content. This role can only be assigned by Benevity. Please note that you'll also need to have the User Account Manager role assigned to you in order to be assigned as Role Manager.

*Site Settings Manager
Can modify User Directory Name and enable the mobile app under Site Settings on the Manage side of Spark. Can enable Activity Streams, manage posts and download content.

*Tag Manager
Can create and manage reporting tags. The tagging feature is in Beta. Please contact your Benevity Client Success Manager if you’re interested in this feature.

*Theme Manager
Can configure brand colors and a logo.

*User Account Manager
Can view and edit profile details for all Spark users, access all user profile properties and edit/block users.

User Search
Allows a user to access the People tab, view publicly safe versions of user profiles, and send bulk emails.

Volunteer Coordinator
Can create volunteer opportunities, labelled as: user-created volunteer opportunities. They can update signups and track time for attendees of opportunities they created. However, they cannot track time, or update signups for all other opportunities. This role exists so that admins can give creation capabilities to a subset of users.

Volunteer Coordinator (self-publish)
Can create, publish and manage their own volunteer opportunities without waiting for administrator approval. These volunteer opportunities cannot be promoted as featured content. They can update signups and track time for attendees of opportunities they created. However, they cannot track time, or update signups for all other opportunities.

*Volunteer Manager
Can create and publish volunteer opportunities, manage time submissions, send bulk emails, manage actions in bulk for user-created opportunities (approve, decline, etc.), manage posts and download content related to Activity Streams.

Volunteer Manager (non-admin)
Can create volunteer opportunities, sign other users up for volunteer opportunities, and submit time for others. Cannot publish, feature, approve, target or set custom rewards.

Volunteer Manager (junior admin)
Can create, edit, publish and feature company volunteer opportunities, and bulk manage (approve, decline, etc.) user-created campaigns. Cannot set custom rewards or view reporting information on the Manage side of the platform.

Volunteer Manager (no reporting)
Can create, edit, publish and feature company volunteer opportunities and bulk manage (approve, decline, etc.) user-created campaigns. Cannot view reporting information on the Manage side of the platform. 

Volunteer Rewards Manager
Can approve or deny user-tracked volunteer time, (which may result in rewards, depending on your configurations). Can delete previously approved, user-tracked volunteer time without rewards.

Additional roles (based on program needs):

  • *Badge Manager: Can modify user badge assignments.
  • *PAC Match Manager: Can create Political Action Committee (PAC) match gifts.
  • Missions Manager: Can create and manage Missions and activities from Spark. Can also see unpublished challenges.
  • *Team Manager: Can modify all user-created teams.
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