Payment disbursement statuses

You can track payments using Payment Status

There are three payment statuses for every payment through Benevity:

  • Unprocessed
  • Processing
  • Paid

The payment Status is displayed in the Payment tab next to a recorded payment.

Grants disbursement tracker

The Disbursement tracker is displayed when you open a paid payment with the Benevity payment method. The tracker shows the current status of a payment in the disbursement process. For consistency, these statuses are the same as the ones used in Benevity's employee engagement solution. 

Disbursement tracker statuses: 

  • Initiated: The payment has been processed for the current payment cycle and will be allocated to a payable/disbursement.
    • Initiated - Under Threshold: Payment has been initiated. Before processing, all qualified payments are checked to ensure they meet the minimum threshold amount. If that amount has already been met, processing will start.
    • Initiated - Pending: The payment is active, but has not been sent to the nonprofit. It is waiting for the next payment cycle before it can be processed.
  • In Progress: The payment has been processed and a payable/disbursement has been generated, but has not yet been sent.
  • Paid/Completed: A payable/disbursement has been sent and a payment reference number is available. The time of its arrival at the nonprofit depends on the type of payment method. Electronic funds transfer (EFT) should arrive within two days, while check payments may take longer for mail delivery.
  • Cleared: The payment has cleared the nonprofit's account (i.e. check was cashed, EFT was successful).
  • Inactive Charity: The charitable organization is not currently active. We were unable to send funds.
  • Adjusted: The payment has been reversed or adjusted by an administrator.

How do disbursements move through different statuses?

  1. A disbursement automatically moves from Initiated to In Progress when payables are generated each month.
  2. A disbursement manually moves from In Progress to Paid/Completed by Benevity teams, when the funds have left the bank and are sent to the nonprofits.
  3. A disbursement moves from Paid/Completed to Cleared:
    • EFT and PayPal: The month after the disbursement is sent out to ensure no return comes back for the disbursement (manual task).
    • Checks: Daily as they are deposited by the nonprofits (manual task).
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