Learning about the applying cause

The Cause tab on a request or invitation displays detailed information about the applying nonprofit organization. The data shown on the tab is pulled from the Benevity Causes Portal.

In this article:

What's the Causes Portal?

The Causes Portal is Benevity's global database of over 2 million nonprofit organizations. It syncs with the IRS and CRA database monthly. Any public charitable organization in good standing in the US and Canada is automatically included in the database. The portal also syncs regularly with the charitable databases for the UK, Australia, and Ireland. Learn more about the Causes Portal.

What if the organization is not in the Causes Portal?

If the nonprofit is not in the causes portal, it cannot receive disbursements from Benevity. The Cause tab will display the below notification to nominate the cause and perform vetting and validation. Note that the cause doesn’t have to be in the portal to pay them through your accounts payable. 


Cause Information

The Cause tab displays information directly from the Cause Portal. The status labels are helpful for managing your requests or invitations. Below is a breakdown of each label. Depending on your program settings, some of these labels, such as tax eligibility, may work differently.


  • Verified: The cause has a profile in the Causes Portal and is verified by our vetting team.

  • Self-certified: The cause has completed self-certification in the Causes Portal. Self-certification may be a requirement for a cause to be eligible to apply for grants.

  • Tax eligible: The cause is a tax-eligible, registered charity in their country. Tax eligibility is a required field when completing a payment. If a cause is not tax eligible, they can still be paid, but they must be marked as “not tax eligible” in the payment line. Tax eligibility can be different for every program. If you have any questions on how it’s handled in your program, please contact your Benevity Client Success Manager.

  • Disbursable: Benevity can disburse funds to this cause.

  • Receives EFT: The cause can receive disbursements by EFT. If the cause has a checkmark for Disbursable, but not Receives EFT, they can only receive disbursement by check.

  • PayPal: The cause accepts payments via PayPal.

Note: If a cause is Verified and Disbursable, you must have Benevity disbursements enabled to disburse to them through the platform. If you have any questions about your program, contact your Client Success Manager.

Employee Engagement

If you use Benevity’s software for employee giving and volunteering, you can learn more about Employee Engagement statistics. This section summarizes employee activity over the last 12 months.

Only causes that have high engagement with your employees will show statistics. High engagement is defined by at least five employees donating or volunteering with a given cause.

The following data is displayed:

  • Number of giving opportunities (employee or user-created)
  • Number of volunteer opportunities (employee or user-created)
  • Total hours volunteered
  • Total dollars donated
  • Total company matching


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