Updates to Collection Notices for Donation Reports

Effective Date: 28th August, 2024

Collection Notices for outstanding Donation Reports (DRs) are being updated to align with a new look and give you more control over who receives them. During the transition over the next few months, you may receive the same notice in different formats.

What is changing? 


  • Collection Notices will be sent around the 22nd of each month, starting in July 2024.


  • Collection Notices emails will include a table of outstanding Donation Reports as of the notification date.
  • Donation Reports will no longer be attached to the email.
  • If you have customized your Donation Reports to separate transactions, you’ll receive multiple DRs. Collection Notices are sent for each outstanding DR.


  • Collection Notices will be sent to the specified recipients of the associated Donation Report (DR). Previously, Collection Notices were sent to all recipients of DRs from a given foundation. 
  • Important: If you have multiple custom DRs to separate your transactions, you’ll only be notified for those where you are a DR recipient. If you want to receive collection notices for all your outstanding DRs, you’ll need to subscribe to all of them. It is important to check your recipient lists are correct as your funds could be held from disbursement if your custom Donation Reports are not all paid on time.

Why is Benevity making this change? 

Benevity is making this change as part of our donation processing improvements that elevate the accuracy and speed of information related to the flow of funds for our clients, donors and nonprofits.

What do I need to do?

Confirm that the right people are receiving your Donation Reports and your Collection Notices. You can submit a support request by making the following selections in the request form:

  • What do you want help with? Finance
  • What financial topic would you like help with? Donation Report
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