Scheduling delivery of a dashboard via email

You can schedule immediate or recurring deliveries of Looks and Dashboards (standard and custom) to automate the sharing of insights, ensuring that all relevant parties receive up-to-date information directly in their preferred format. 

Remember, as the Reporting Studio's program administrator, you can access all program data. Before scheduling reports for others, think about their access limitations. It's advisable to specify the right filter values when creating a schedule for recipients so that they see the data they need. 

Creating a dashboard schedule

To schedule delivery of a dashboard:

  1. Open a dashboard, select the three-dot menu icon and choose Schedule delivery.

  2. If this is the first schedule, you can get started with defining your schedule.
  3. If there are existing schedules, you’ll see them listed. To create a new schedule, select New and customize your schedule. 


  • Schedule Name: By default, deliveries are named after the dashboard but can be customized for clarity.
  • Recurrence: Choose a recurrence from various time-based schedules, or Send now to send the dashboard immediately.
  • Email addresses: enter recipient email addresses.
  • Destination: all deliveries are sent by email. 
  • Format: choose from CSV zip files, PDF or PNG visualizations.


In this tab, you can edit the values for any existing filters applied to the dashboard and the new filter values will be applied to the delivery. The dashboard itself will not be affected.

You cannot add filters to your schedule in the Filters tab, only view and edit the values for existing dashboard filters. For example, you might send regional teams results that are filtered for their regions of interest.


Advanced options are dependent on the format you choose on the Settings tab. You may see the following options: 

  • Custom Message: add a message to be included in the body of the email. 
  • Run schedule as recipient: As all Reporting Studio users have the same permissions, this option is not applicable.
  • Include links: Includes a direct link to the dashboard. Users can only access the link if they can log in to the Reporting Studio. 
  • Expand tables to show all rows: Large tables may render as plain text or limit displayed rows.
  • Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column: For PDF or PNG view, dashboard tiles are arranged down the page. 
  • Paper size: If you select something other than Fit Page to Dashboard in the Paper Size drop-down, an Orientation option appears. You can choose to orient the dashboard in portrait or landscape position.
  • Delivery timezone: the timezone for the scheduled time. 


In the Results section, decide if you want your data download to include the visualization settings you've customized in the dashboard, such as renaming columns or hiding totals. If you select As displayed in the data table, these visual customizations won't be included.


In the Values section, select the result format:

  • Formatted makes the data easier to read.
  • Unformatted keeps data without formatting adjustments like rounding numbers or handling special characters, useful for further processing with other tools.

Testing a schedule

If you set the Recurrence field to anything other than Send now, a Test now button appears at the bottom left of the schedule delivery window.

Select the Test now button to send a one-time test delivery of the schedule only to yourself. A green checkmark appears to confirm a test has been sent.

Editing dashboard schedules

If schedules already exist on a dashboard, select the dashboard's three-dot icon and then Schedule delivery to see a list of schedules. You can send immediate deliveries, edit, duplicate, or delete existing schedules, ensuring that your data distribution is always aligned with current needs. Just select the three-dot menu that applies to the schedule that you want to take action on. Note that you can only view schedules you have created. 

Scheduling from Folders

You're not limited to scheduling from the dashboard view. You can initiate deliveries directly from the folder where a dashboard is located by selecting the three-dot icon menu to the right of it and selecting Schedule delivery...


Managing all schedules

You can view and manage all schedules in one central place by going to your profile icon in the top right corner and selecting Schedules.

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