Manage your budgets in Spark

General Availability Date:  October 4, 2023

Benevity is excited to announce that budget manager roles can now view and manage their budgets directly through Spark.

This announcement answers the following questions:

What is changing?

Benevity clients now have the ability to manage their own budgets directly in Spark, putting control of this important function directly within their organization.  

With this new capability, clients can assign a “budget manager” role to operational program administrators to easily view and edit budgets as needed. By having direct access to budget planning and spending, managers can align their program budgets designated for seasonal giving opportunities, donation matching, and volunteer reward tracking.  We’ve also made it easier for clients to streamline their annual budgetary process to automatically renew 30 days before their current budget expires. 

These enhancements are available now for budget managers to use right in Spark. Simply log in to Spark, select Manage > Budgets from the top navigation bar and choose the budget you wish to manage.

Why is Benevity making this change?

This new self-service experience will make it easy for our clients to view the status of budget spend in real time and effectively manage allocation processes. This functionality provides increased efficiencies for clients to make the most effective and impactful use of your giving dollars.

With these changes, you can:

  • View and easily manage budgets in real-time
  • Make effective budgetary decisions based on data insights
  • Edit and update allocations across programs
  • Monitor budget spend as needed
  • Set up automatic renewal of annual budget

What do I need to do or know?

Learn how to assign budget managers and start to manage your budgets today!

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