Product Research at Benevity

In order to build great products, Benevity’s Product team needs to understand the people who use our platform — who they are, why they participate, and why they don’t. Having a good understanding of user needs helps us build the right features, the right way.

In order to do this, Benevity conducts product research. Most often this research takes the form of surveys or interviews, and people are usually invited to participate via email. Research participation is always optional, and participants are sometimes offered compensation for their time (usually a gift card of their choice). Privacy is important to us. As such, we typically limit research solicitations to a few times per year. We only email people who have accepted the privacy policy, and who use the platform.

People who are particularly keen to participate in research can also sign up to our Product Research Participant List. The sign up form asks some basic questions that our Product team can use to identify the right participants for their project. The purpose of this list is to find participants who are already interested, so that we don’t have to email as many people. Your employees can join our Product Research list by completing this form. If your employees are unable to access Google forms, please use this form.

We also have a list for clients and program managers as well. If you manage the corporate purpose program (giving, volunteering and/or granting program) and are interested in participating in product research that helps improve Benevity Spark and Grants, please sign up using this form (which has slightly different questions that the one for employees). If you are unable to access Google forms, please use this form

You can opt your employees out of client research emails if you like. Doing so does make it harder for us to build features with the unique needs of those users. However, we recognize that different corporate environments may have differing preferences. To opt your employees out of product research, please contact your Benevity Client Success Manager (CSM).



Q: What does Benevity do with the research findings?

A: Research findings are used to inform our product roadmap, design, and development. After surveys and interviews are done, and data is analyzed, the insights and recommendations are shared with the product team. Any recordings from interviews are deleted  once the research project is complete. There may be short clips made from the recordings that are used in the reports. None of the clips or quotes obtained in research are used for marketing.

Q: Does Benevity email users who haven’t logged in?

A: No, Benevity will only ever email users who have accepted the privacy policy.

Q: Can I opt my employees out / in for product research emails?

A: Yes, you can opt employees at your company out or in for emails at any time, just let your CSM know or send an email to Please note that opt outs are for emails only, your employees may still see the occasional in-app feedback request.

Figure 1: Example of research solicitation email (details will vary)


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