Assigning user roles in Spark

Spark user roles are special permissions that allow users to manage parts of their employee engagement program. For example, some users might have the ability to create and publish volunteer opportunities, while others might be tasked with approving volunteer time.

Who can assign roles to users?

To assign roles in Spark, you need both the Role Manager and User Account Manager roles assigned to you.

Note: Our Benevity teams must assign a user the Role Manager role. This is a safety net, due to elevated permission and added risk of the role.

See a full List of available user roles in Spark, including their dependencies and capabilities.

How to assign user roles

Depending on the size of your team, you may have several different people with a few specific roles assigned to them, or a few people with several roles in charge of multiple tasks.

  1. Sign in to your program.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. Select People from the main toolbar.
  4. In the Search & Filter section, find the user you want to assign a role to.
  5. Select Manage beside the user.
  6. Select Settings in the secondary navigation bar. This will bring you to the Account Information page.
  7. Select the roles you wish to assign.
  8. Select Save.


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